My oven is not heating – Causes / Solution

причини за загряване на фурната

My oven is not heating up. 

Our busy lives deprive us of enough time for a nutritious and quality meal. Only at home can we enjoy deliciously prepared meals shared with our loved ones.
But for food to be well cooked, it is necessary to use modern and trouble-free appliances. Modern stoves and ovens are equipped with various functions that turn every culinary endeavor into a pleasure.
However, a breakdown in any of the parts of the kitchen appliances can interrupt the normal rhythm of our household work. One of the troubles when using an oven is related to the inability to heat the stove.
There can be several reasons. But most of them are related to poor maintenance and preventive maintenance of the appliance. Guarantee the trouble-free operation of your oven by seeking the help of proven technicians.

Any kitchen task can be put on hold if a similar problem occurs with the use of the stove. The most likely cause of the oven not heating up is a tripped circuit breaker.
When there is a surge or overload, it is triggered to prevent incidents with the electrical network. So, if the circuit breaker is triggered, your appliance will not function properly.
Resetting the circuit breaker will return the oven to normal operation and prevent future heating problems. Another cause could be a failure in one of the main components of the oven. This is the heater.
In this case, it is time to replace it. But this can only be done by a professional. Among the main reasons for poor heating of the oven is also a problem in the temperature season. It may be incorrectly aligned or damaged.
If your food is taking longer than usual to cook in the oven or is not cooked through, the cause is the temperature sensor. This element is also called the thermostat. It sets the correct temperature for your oven based on your cooking needs.

If the sensor is not in the correct position or is not functioning properly, the oven system will not be able to determine when to start or stop heating, resulting in uneven heating.
The reason for the insufficiently high cooking temperature may also be the need for new oven settings. If the temperature in the oven seems lower even with the thermostat working, then the appliance needs calibration.
It adjusts the internal temperature settings. This ensures that they are in line with the displayed or set temperature. The process ensures an accurate reading by reflecting the actual temperature value inside the oven.
Reasons for poor oven heating:

Thermostat not working

The appliance door does not close.

Need to calibrate the stove

Circuit breaker off


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